June 5, 2008



Mike’s car thoughts said...


I think that the story that you tell about the encounter with each person should be proof enough that you did it for a few reasons.

First, you are a trustworthy person, and when it comes to things like this you would just say that you didn't do it if you didn't do it.

Second, the story itself is what everyone wants to hear, anyway. I mean, you read Life of Pi, right? (If not, email me about it).

Third, if you ask for someone's friendship without documenting it, it will put no pressure on them at all -- they can decide to ignore you (and since it is an unusual thing to do they might), or they can really think about calling you. It's like an extension of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: the act of measuring an event invariably changes the outcome of that event. So keep it unmeasured and keep it unalterd.

Mike’s car thoughts said...


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